Edge-Based C2 Cloud Computing Model for Service-Based NCE Ecosystem


SAPA = Socially-Aware Purposeful Agent

SAPABMS = Socially-Aware Purposeful Agent - Based Modeling and Simulation (SAPABMS)

MTMMF = Multi-Threaded Missions and Means Framework

SAPA_MTMMF = Socially-Aware Purposeful Agent for MTMMF, to create SAPABMS

SoSCOE = Systems Common Operating Environment

C2 = Command and Control (Organization and Management of Work)

ESB = Enterprise Service Bus (RESTFUL APIs??) -- http://www.ben-morris.com/why-rest-is-not-a-silver-bullet-for-soa-and-microservice-integration

DCGS-A = Distributed Common Ground System-Army –


RTS DDS = Real-Time Innovations Data Distribution Service

UDDI = Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration

NCE = Net-Centric Enterprise

We can adapt our Edge-Based C2 Cloud Computing Model for Service-Based NCE Ecosystem to support the IABSRI’s licensed Office 365, G Suite, Google Cloud, and Microsoft AZURE platforms, respectively, for all DoD suppliers to meet the DFARS § 252.204-7012 cybersecurity requirements.

We should also note that our cloud computing model can support the following efforts:

  • net-centric operations and supply chain management, e.g., achieved through designing and executing net-centric-based planning and executing-models for low information entropy at each entity or node in the NCE ecosystem;

  • ideal template for the new DoD Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) cloud computing architecture;

  • health care supply chains;

  • IoT;

  • big data analytics; in fact IABSRI is currently using the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) data services to create big data scientific work with Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure; and

  • business intelligence.